Woman and Ulcerative Colitis Cure In a Week with Diet

Marisa Marinelli was a 19 year old student and dancer of great vibrancy when she was first diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. But it was a macrobiotic diet, not medical treatment, that brought her health back on track.

The doctors always said they don’t have a cure. Basically, that you have it for life…They gave her a shopping bag full of medications that were only making her sicker and sicker and sicker…


“The doctors always said they don’t have a cure. Basically, that you have it for life…They gave her a shopping bag full of medications that were only making her sicker and sicker and sicker…”

An incredible story of natural healing with food. A MUST see…

Woman and Ulcerative Colitis Cure In a Week with Diet


For relevant research on Greenmedinfo.com see: http://www.greenmedinfo.com/disease/ulcerative-colitis

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