Banned TED Talk- The War on Consciousness -Graham Hancock


Graham Hancock

In his own words:

“Urgent call for help against an attempt to censor my work.

I have received notification today that my recent 18-minute TEDx video presentation, “The War on Consciousness” (YouTube) which has at time of writing received more than 132,000 views, is to be deleted from the TEDx website because what I say in that presentation allegedly “strays well beyond the realm of reasonable science”, and because I allegedly make “non-scientific and reckless” statements about psychotropic drugs. I am fighting these charges from TED’s Science Board which in my opinion are untrue and amount to nothing more than an ideologically driven attempt to censor my work. All the indications, however, are that my presentation will be deleted some time today…

…I don’t intend to allow this bizarre transgression of my freedom of speech on the part of an institution – TED – for which I once had the highest respect, to pass without a fight…” (paraphrased)

Related Research:

A Higher Level of Freedom: The Benefit of Cannabis To Health

Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
In a day and age where possession of an herb like cannabis – which grows freely on this Earth — is an offense sometimes punishable by incarceration, it is important for us to reflect on how we arrived at this dark point in time. Herbs, after all, were put there by God. If you prefer the word Nature, the point is the same, and it was put best by Bob Marley when he said: “you can’t tell God it [cannabis] is illegal.”


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