Straight from the lips of a woman who spent two years living in a 180 foot tall and 1500 year old tree to prevent loggers from cutting it down, our consciousness has become as disposable as the millions of tons of stuff we casually toss into the garbage….
Environmental & social justice activist Julia Butterfly Hill shows how our belief that we are separate from the whole has created a culture and consciousness of disposability.
The Culture and Consciousness of Disposability- Julia Butterfly Hill
Straight from the lips of a woman who spent two years living in a 180 foot tall and 1500 year old tree to prevent loggers from cutting it down, our consciousness has become as disposable as the millions of tons of stuff we casually toss into the garbage….
Environmental & social justice activist Julia Butterfly Hill shows how our belief that we are separate from the whole has created a culture and consciousness of disposability.
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