Doctor: “You Will Die Any Moment from Cancer”, Yet Alive 20 Years Later

Ron Zeller healed himself from cancer, and now lives an 'ageless life.'

Ron Zeller was told following a stomach cancer diagnosis that he had to do conventional chemo/radiation/surgical treatment, even though it was going to potentially do nothing to prevent his death. When he calculated the risk/benefit and chose to decline, the doctor said it would be “Lights out any minute.” Ron chose to take his healing into his own hands, and 20 years later he is a living example of how through the power of belief and natural healing, even terminal cancer can be overcome. He leaves us with this profound statement: “Like anyone else I’m going to die. But I think I have something to say about it: like how and when.”

This video clip came from the documentary film MORTAL. WATCH THE ENTIRE TRAILER HERE.

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 Click to Watch the Entire Movie Trailer for MORTAL HERE

The mission of the film MORTAL is to open up a dialogue and explore living and death in all its many layered aspects. By stripping away the fear, we it hopes to change your perspective about death. Through this human communication we can empower ourselves to live. Our storytelling tools will be compassion, tenderness and most importantly, hope. Learn more here! 




Learn more about cancer on the cancer research page: Cancer Health Guide

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