How Will SB277 Affect Us?

How will SB 277 affect Olivia?

Meet Olivia. California native. Loves her school. What will happen to her now that controversial SB 277 is the law?

Controversial SB 277

On June 30, 2015, Governor Brown signed SB 277 the most stringent vaccine mandate in the United States into law. Families that do not comply with the one-size-fits-all vaccine mandate, will lose their State Constitutional right for a free and appropriate education in public and private K-12 schools. The use of licensed daycare facilities, in-home daycare, public or private preschools and even after school care programs are also included in SB 277. School aged children, not up-to-date on every mandated vaccine, will be required to home school without options for classroom learning.


‘How Will SB277 Affect Us?’ Video/Article Sources: sb277.orgChristina Choice, Featured Image Contributor: Nikolay Suslov

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