“Organic Food Activist” Jamie Oliver Sells Out to Bill Gates, GMO-Pusher

Jamie Oliver Sells Out to Bill Gates

As reported on AltHealthWorks, 
Popular TV show host and food activist Jamie Oliver has become one of the biggest and most famous spokespeople for the clean food movement, and he’s thrown his support behind organic and healthier food plenty of times in the past while working for a better food system.But now the trusted entrepreneur and longtime chef is throwing his support behind the very foundation that may be out to destroy the food system.In the video below, Oliver pledges his support for what one iconic multi-billionaire has called a “better food system,” a system that, if past actions are any indication, will rely heavily on the highly controversial (and completely unnecessary) genetically modified crops.

– See more at: http://althealthworks.com/4927/uhoh-famous-tv-food-activist-jamie-oliver-teaming-up-with-notoriously-pro-gmo-bill-gates-foundation-with-video/#sthash.gdDTPrF1.dpuf

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