) Home / Sun Exposure / Vitamin D / What is the Optimal Amount of Sun Exposure? if(ot_get_option('posts_enable_view_count', true)){ ?> 183 } ?> 0 What is the Optimal Amount of Sun Exposure? GreenMedInfo Sun Exposure | Vitamin D March 12, 2014 Can too much sun exposure be dangerous? How do you know how much sun is enough and when is the right time to get that amount? Dr. James Dowd explains what the optimal time of day and amount of sun should be for healthy vitamin D levels. Related Article: Prevent Alzheimer’s by Sunning & Skipping Sunscreens Why Do People Think Cholesterol is Bad? Previous Dr Suzanne Humphries: The Problems with Vaccines Next Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus.
What is the Optimal Amount of Sun Exposure?
Can too much sun exposure be dangerous? How do you know how much sun is enough and when is the right time to get that amount? Dr. James Dowd explains what the optimal time of day and amount of sun should be for healthy vitamin D levels.
Related Article: Prevent Alzheimer’s by Sunning & Skipping Sunscreens
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