Proof That Monsanto Calls The Shots at the US State Department
Now that Obama has signed into effect the ‘Monsanto Protection Act,’ quite a few newly awoken are asking the question: “how could this have happened?” Well, a wikileak cable revealed back in Jan. 2011 that the biotech/GMO industry has been using the US State department to enforce their global agenda for quite sometime.
Video details: This time, Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, about the US State Department’s genetically modified retaliation against France, more missing billions in Afghanistan and shopping frenzies in Britain. In the second half of the show, Max talks to author and blogger, James Howard Kunstler, about shopping stampedes and revolutionary times.
While many of us are disappointed with the results of the CA proposition 37 ballot initiative, to say the least, the political process is so corrupted with unlimited corporate spending that the real surprise for me would have been if it had passed.
New research indicates that the microbial biodiversity of the soil and our food is being dramatically impacted by the use of herbicides like glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup weedkiller. Researchers have proposed that many soil organisms, which are indispensable for the productivity of the soil in agriculture, as well as in raw and fermented dairy production, may be undergoing endangerment, if not also in some cases extinction in certain geographic regions of the world.
Monsanto-funded research has been proliferating as uncontrollably as their genetically modified (GM) plants, and the bugs resistant to them, of late. Two studies have appeared in scientific journals in the past eight months, both funded by Monsanto, and both discrediting a Roundup herbicide-cancer link.
New research released ahead of print and published in the journal Archives of Toxicology indicates that Roundup, the most common formulation of glyphosate, which is the largest selling herbicide in the world, is not only more toxic than its constituent ingredients, but is capable of damaging DNA within a human cell line when diluted down to 45,000% lower concentrations than presently used in GMO agriculture applications.
Proof That Monsanto Calls The Shots at the US State Department
Proof That Monsanto Calls The Shots at the US State Department
Now that Obama has signed into effect the ‘Monsanto Protection Act,’ quite a few newly awoken are asking the question: “how could this have happened?” Well, a wikileak cable revealed back in Jan. 2011 that the biotech/GMO industry has been using the US State department to enforce their global agenda for quite sometime.
Video details: This time, Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, about the US State Department’s genetically modified retaliation against France, more missing billions in Afghanistan and shopping frenzies in Britain. In the second half of the show, Max talks to author and blogger, James Howard Kunstler, about shopping stampedes and revolutionary times.
More details: WikiLeaks: US targets EU over GM crops
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