Raw Cannabis Juice Helps Young Woman Ditch 40 Medications

Approximately 106,000 Americans die from prescription drugs each year, according to the Journal of the American Medical Association. All the more amazing that the young woman in this video, who at age 16 was diagnosed with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (which snowballed into lupus and other autoimmune conditions), was able to get off of over 40 medications by using raw cannabis juice, according to her physician, Dr. Courtney.

Raw cannabis is non-psychoactive, and is the way it was used for hundreds of thousands of year like our hunter and gatherer ancestors.

Dr. Courtney is a physician and researcher from Mendocino, California, who gives medical marijuana approvals to qualified patients in Mendocino and Humboldt Counties. Kristen Peskuski is a researcher and patient who put her systemic lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, interstitial cystitis, and numerous other conditions into remission juicing fresh cannabis.

They help make sense of the science behind patient’s recoveries from a diverse range of medical conditions. Attorneys, physicians, law enforcement, medical care providers, patients and their families discuss their experiences with medical cannabis. They specifically focus on juicing fresh cannabis, which is non-psychoactive and contains medical properties 200-400 times stronger than traditional, heated cannabis.

Patients have reported success with osteo and rheumatoid arthritis, autoimmune disorders, cancer and many other conditions using this unique therapy.

Please check out http://www.cannabisinternational.org for more information.

Related Research on GreenMedInfo.com:

Below are the diseases Cannabis has been found to have a role in treating, as well as 34 distinct physiological actions it expresses:

What is Cumulative Knowledge?
Quick Summary: 138 associated Diseases
Name Cumulative Knowledge Article Count Focus Articles
Multiple Sclerosis 116 9 focus
Tourette Syndrome 116 6 focus
Pain 83 8 focus
Neuropathic Pain 50 3 focus
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder 44 3 focus
Brachial Plexus Neuropathies 40 2 focus
Insomnia 40 3 focus
Muscle Spasticity 34 3 focus
Marijuana Addiction/Withdrawal 32 3 focus
Sleep Disorders 30 2 focus
Memory Disorders 22 2 focus
Anxiety Disorders 20 1 focus
Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) 20 1 focus
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis 19 8 focus
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases 16 2 focus
Cancers: All 15 6 focus
Cancer Metastasis 12 6 focus
Breast Cancer 11 7 focus
Glioma 11 6 focus
Opiate Addiction/Withdrawal 11 2 focus
Anorexia: Dementia-Associated 10 1 focus
Bladder Dysfunction 10 1 focus
Bronchial Asthma 10 1 focus
Chemotherapy 10 1 focus
Chemotherapy-Induced Toxicity 10 1 focus
Constipation 10 1 focus
Crack Addiction/Withdrawal 10 1 focus
Delirium: Drug-Induced 10 1 focus
Dementia 10 1 focus
Fibromyalgia 10 1 focus
Glaucoma 10 1 focus
Head and Neck Cancer 10 1 focus
Heroin Addication/Withdrawal 10 1 focus
Lymphoma 10 1 focus
Lymphoma: Mantle Cell 10 1 focus
Naseau: Chemotherapy-Induced 10 1 focus
Naseau: Pregnancy-Associated 10 1 focus
Neurogenic Bladder 10 1 focus
Neuropathic Pain: HIV-associated 10 1 focus
Neuropathy: HIV associated 10 1 focus
Obesity 10 1 focus
Overweight 10 1 focus
Phantom Limb 10 1 focus
Spinal Cord Injuries 10 1 focus
Brain: Microglial Activation 9 4 focus
Endotoxemia 8 2 focus
Myocardial Infarction 8 2 focus
Oxidative Stress 8 3 focus
Brain Cancer 7 2 focus
Brain Inflammation 7 4 focus
Astrocytoma 6 1 focus
Astrocytoma: Grade IV 6 1 focus
Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity 6 1 focus
Colitis 6 1 focus
Diabetes: Cataract 6 2 focus
Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Toxicity 6 2 focus
Lung Cancer 6 3 focus
Myocardial Ischemia 6 2 focus
Neurodegenerative Diseases 6 4 focus
Tremor 5 2 focus
Breast Cancer: Lung Metastasis 4 1 focus
Breast Cancer: Prevention 4 1 focus
Cardiac Arrhythmias 4 1 focus
Diabetes Mellitus: Type 2 4 2 focus
Fatigue 4 1 focus
Fulminant Hepatic Failure 4 1 focus
Hepatic Encephalopathy 4 1 focus
Immune Disorders: Low Immune Function 4 1 focus
Inflammation 4 3 focus
Liver Failure: Acute 4 1 focus
Low Immune Function: Splenic Dysfunction 4 1 focus
Sepsis 4 1 focus
Uveitis 4 1 focus
Alzheimer’s Disease 3 2 focus
Endocannabinoid System 3 2 focus
Trigeminal Neuralgia 3 2 focus
Aging 2 1 focus
Aging: Brain 2 1 focus
Alcohol Toxicity 2 1 focus
Allodynia 2 1 focus
Ascites 2 1 focus
Atherosclerosis 2 1 focus
Cardiomyopathy 2 1 focus
Cardiovascular Diseases 2 1 focus
Central Nervous System Diseases 2 1 focus
Cerebral Ischemia 2 1 focus
Diabetes Mellitus: Type 1 2 1 focus
Diabetes Mellitus: Type 1: Prevention 2 1 focus
Diabetes: Cardiovascular Illness 2 1 focus
Diabetic Neuropathies 2 1 focus
Glioblastoma Multiforme 2 2 focus
High Cholesterol 2 1 focus
Hyperalgesia 2 1 focus
Hypersensitivity 2 1 focus
Hypersensitivity: Type IV 2 1 focus
Liver Cancer 2 1 focus
Liver Damage 2 1 focus
Liver Disease 2 1 focus
Liver Injury: Ischemia/reperfusion 2 1 focus
Menopausal Syndrome 2 1 focus
Morphine Tolerance/Dependence 2 1 focus
Phencyclidine (PCP) Induced Toxicity 2 1 focus
Prenatal Chemical Exposures 2 1 focus
Prostate Cancer 2 2 focus
Tumors 2 2 focus
Acute T cell Leukemias 1 1 focus
Appetite Disorders 1 1 focus
Arthritis: Rheumatoid 1 1 focus
Auditory Diseases 1 1 focus
Autoimmune Diseases 1 1 focus
Cancers: Drug Resistant 1 1 focus
Cancers: Multi-Drug Resistant 1 1 focus
Chemotherapy-Induced Toxicity: Cisplatin 1 1 focus
Chemotherapy-Induced Toxicity: Doxorubicin 1 1 focus
Colorectal Cancer 1 1 focus
Dystonia 1 1 focus
Endocannabinoid Disorders 1 1 focus
Epstein-Barr Virus Infections 1 1 focus
Gastric Cancer 1 1 focus
Glioblastoma 1 1 focus
Gynecomastia 1 1 focus
Hepatitis 1 1 focus
Hepatitis: Autoimmune 1 1 focus
Herpes family viruses 1 1 focus
Intestinal Permeability 1 1 focus
Karposi’s Sarcoma 1 1 focus
Leukemia 1 1 focus
Leukemia: T-cell acute Lymphoblastic 1 1 focus
Liver Fibrosis 1 1 focus
Migraine Disorders 1 1 focus
Movement Disorders 1 1 focus
Oncovirus 1 1 focus
Osteoporosis 1 1 focus
Pancreatic Cancer 1 1 focus
Psoriasis 1 1 focus
Psychoses 1 1 focus
Thymoma 1 1 focus
Thyroid Cancer 1 1 focus
Quick Summary: 43 associated Pharmacological Actions
Name Cumulative Knowledge Article Count Focus Articles
Name Cumulative Knowledge Article Count Focus Articles
Analgesics 68 9 focus
Neuroprotective Agents 36 17 focus
Antispasmodic 24 2 focus
Anxiolytic 20 1 focus
Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) Alpha Inhibitor 17 4 focus
Anti-Inflammatory Agents 16 7 focus
Apoptotic 14 13 focus
Antiproliferative 11 7 focus
Antidepressive Agents 10 1 focus
Antiemetics 10 1 focus
Bronchodilator Agents 10 1 focus
Chemopreventive 10 1 focus
Anti-metastatic 8 3 focus
Antineoplastic Agents 7 5 focus
Antioxidants 7 4 focus
Cardioprotective 6 2 focus
Hepatoprotective 6 2 focus
Anti-Tumor 5 4 focus
Enzyme Inhibitors 4 1 focus
Anti-Angiogenic 3 2 focus
Autophagy Up-regulation 3 2 focus
Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitor 2 1 focus
Anti-Platelet 2 1 focus
Calcium Channel Blockers 2 1 focus
Cell cycle arrest 2 2 focus
Cyclooxygenase Inhibitors 2 1 focus
Glycine Agents 2 1 focus
Immunomodulatory 2 1 focus
Immunomodulatory: T-Cell down-regulation 2 1 focus
Intracellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) 2 1 focus
Matrix metalloproteinase-1 (MMP-1) inhibitor 2 1 focus
Neuritogenic 2 1 focus
Platelet Aggregation Inhibitors 2 1 focus
Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A Inhibitor 2 1 focus
Anti-Apoptotic 1 1 focus
Anti-Proliferative 1 1 focus
Anti-Psychotic 1 1 focus
Antiviral Agents 1 1 focus
Caspase-3 Activation 1 1 focus
Chemosensitizer 1 1 focus
Immunosuppressive Agents 1 1 focus
Interleukin-6 upregulation 1 1 focus
Tumor Suppressor Protein p53 Upregulation 1 1 focus

A Higher Level of Freedom: The Benefit of Cannabis To Health

In a day and age where possession of an herb like cannabis – which grows freely on this Earth — is an offense sometimes punishable by incarceration, it is important for us to reflect on how we arrived at this dark point in time. Herbs, after all, were put there by God. If you prefer the word Nature, the point is the same, and it was put best by Bob Marley when he said: “you can’t tell God it [cannabis] is illegal.”

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